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Two Faces of Anger
Anger is an emotion we all have experienced. This essay exposes two types of anger self-centered and productive anger.
Mar 17 min read

Being A Person Of Excellence
Being excellent is a continual process. To be successful you need to be a person of excellence. Not only in one but in all areas of life.
Feb 17 min read

Lessons From 40 Years Of Marriage - Part 2
To provide our children and grandchildren, and others who read this, the 21 lessons from their parents and grandparents 40 years of marriage
Jan 210 min read

Transparency and Openness
There is no challenge too great for the team to overcome if the leader offers transparency and openness to the shared vision they have.
Oct 1, 20246 min read

Dealing With Difficult People At Work
A close friend asked me for my opinion in dealing with a difficult co-worker. I gave some tips and shared from my experiences.
Sep 1, 20247 min read

Applying Gary Chapman's 5 Love Languages
We each have a propensity towards one of Gary Chapman's 5 Love Languages. Understanding and showing it is crucial is fostering strong bonds.
May 1, 20246 min read

The Problem With Integrity
My Canadian friend and Guest Writer Mike Sadiwnyk writes on integrity. We can't say we often act with; it's either yes we do or no we don't.
Apr 1, 20245 min read

What Would You Do If You Met A Beggar?
People begging are a common sight in our cities. What would you do if you approached a beggar? And what if a homeless person approached you?
Mar 1, 20247 min read

Never Too Old To Set Another Goal
Growing old does not mean giving up on the things we once did during our youth, nor does it mean we stop learning or trying out new things!
Feb 1, 20247 min read

Leave Your Grudges Behind
If there is one thing we should all consider leaving behind 2023, it is our metaphorical backpack of long-held grudges. Here is how you can.
Jan 1, 20247 min read

Use The Pause Button When Life Gets Busy
We all transition from where we've been, to where we're going. If we're not mindful, we can carry on without being present in the moment.
Nov 1, 20238 min read

Why Some People Are Always Running Late?
People who are consistently late are often unaware of their lateness. While knowing their impact, tardiness remains their nemesis.
Oct 3, 20238 min read

Mutual Respect – Key To A Strong Relationship
Respect is an attitude. Love must express itself also in action. If both parties can do this, we have what is called mutual respect.
Sep 3, 20238 min read

A Child's Leadership Potential
Young children can teach us many lessons if we are sensitive to recognising certain displayed behaviours as positive leadership attributes.
Jul 1, 20238 min read

Life Choices We Make
We make choices everyday, sometimes not realising the consequences. What if the consequences of our decisions are realised too late.
Jun 1, 20237 min read

The Insecure Manager
In the Australian television comedy series called ‘Fisk’, first aired on ABC Television in March 2021, the main character Helen...
May 8, 20238 min read

Reacting To Anticipation
The pent-up desire to travel overseas, after three years of enforced restrictions, was finally fulfilled when Jenny and I boarded our...
Apr 1, 202312 min read

Overcoming Loneliness
Loneliness has become a huge problem in our society, accentuated over the last few years by the COVID-19 pandemic. The problem has...
Mar 4, 20238 min read

Consider These When Making Your Decision
Often at the start of a new year we are faced with decisions for our lives, whether they be goals to achieve, setting exercise plans,...
Feb 1, 20237 min read

Love Of Humanity - A Fictional Account
I thought for this year I would challenge myself and move outside my comfort zone in essay writing. I have recently been dabbling in...
Jan 2, 20237 min read
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