Here's Who I Am.
I retired in December 2020 from the last company I had been working with for nearly 25 years. It was by far the best company I had worked in and had grown much over this period. In the 40 plus years of my employment, I have been with only two organisations, starting in Perth, Western Australia and ended up in Melbourne, Victoria. I had many roles in both these influential companies. My last role was as Chief Information Officer, which I held for 15 years.
Towards the latter part of my career I held a number of executive and senior roles. I am a board member of a regional school in Victoria and secretary on my church board.
I have travelled overseas on business, on family holidays and on philanthropic missions. Over my professional career I have been involved with universities, industry and global standards committees, and various professional associations. I am still involved in a number of associations. I have made and kept many friendships over the years. I believe that connections with friends, both locally and globally are very important and I feel blessed with the friends I have.
Now that I have entered into the next chapter of life, I am simply ‘Papa’ to my grandchildren, still ‘Dad’ to my two children and ‘Darl’ to my beautiful wife of over 37 years.
Traveling to Singapore is one international destination I love doing, and not only because it is my birth country. I also love working in the garden with my wife and cooking recipes from my many cookbooks which I have been collecting over the years. Perhaps now is the time to expand my culinary skills. Writing of course is another passion.
I am a person of faith. As a Christian, I believe in the saving grace of Jesus Christ who died for my sins and now that I have accepted Him into my heart, I know that I will not die (a second death) but have eternal life with Him. The Bible says in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life".
As a first-generation migrant to Australia from Singapore, arriving by ship at the Port of Fremantle with my parents and four siblings, the 1970's was a decade of growing up in a strange land. The 1980's was when I moved to Melbourne from Perth, after graduating in Commerce from the University of Western Australia to craft a career. This period in Melbourne, my new home, was also a period of self-discovery.
With a wife and young family, the 1990's was an exciting time of rapid maturity and revelation. Then came the 2000's, a period of building and establishment. Now in the 2020's, I see a chapter of fulfillment, reflection, and new opportunities.
I believe in the adage, “We never stop learning”. When I launched this blog site in 2020, I was undertaking a Diploma in Counselling course to further my personal interest in the subject. I successfully completed the course and graduated in December 2021. I also believe in "giving back", and have been acting as mentor to those who seek my experience. Since graduating I am responsible for the Men's Fellowship at my local church, and recently launched a Mentorship Initiative, where godly and mature men will mentor younger single and married men, using the Apostle Paul's Letter to Titus 2:1-2; 6-8 as a framework. I am also involved in a volunteer capacity at a local primary school.
Being of service is what has driven me over the years. A quote my late-father shared with me; "Work not for mere pay but from a real desire to serve. Do not look down on those given into your care, but be an example".
Who knows where will lead me and how its stories will make a difference in the world? All I am doing is casting a pebble into the pond to see the ripples form.
I hope and trust that my stories, some of which are 'life stories' close to my heart will cause you to reflect on them, and 'speak' to you to be the best person you can be.
God bless you.